Here is a list of questions Coursera offers their Beta Testers to consider while reviewing a course, prior to launch.
For Assessments:
- Did you understand the questions?
- Did the questions evaluate materials you learned in the course?
- Are there any obvious mistakes such as a grading problem or erroneous answer?
- Did you understand why your answer was wrong?
- Were you given feedback on your answer? If so, was it helpful?
Course structure:
- Does the course structure and order of the lessons make sense?
- Are there logical connections between modules and lessons?
- Would you change anything in the layout of the course to improve the learning experience?
- Was the course at a good length? (too long? Too short?)
- Were the number of assessments adequate? (Too many? Too few?)
Videos and general content:
- Did you understand what you were going to learn in this course?
- Was the content aligned with your expectations based on the course information page?
- Was the content clear, engaging and interesting?
- Did the instructor speak in an ideal pace?
- Were the slides easy to read and understand?
- What was the most useful thing you learned in the course?
Technical problems
- Did you encounter any problems such as a link that leads to an error, a video with no sound or serious editing problems?